South Shore Transportation Management Association

HTG provides expert management services and/or consultation in all areas of the public transportation industry for South Shore Transit Management Association (SS/TMA).

The South Shore Transit Management Association (SS/TMA ) is dedicated to enhancing mobility and protecting the environment that makes South Lake Tahoe a world-class destination and a great place to live, work, and play. We do this through active leadership, engagement of community stakeholders, elected officials, government entities, learning institutions, and local businesses. The Lake Link service connects neighborhoods to jobs, education, entertainment, shopping, grocers, healthcare, as well as access to trails, parks, beaches, and other recreational activities. Ridership data, as well as customer and community feedback has been outstanding rating of 4.93 out of 5 on customer satisfaction real-time in-App data.

This active participation and focus on enhancing mobility and access to transportation to ensure that community members are served equally while mitigating the impact of congestion contributes to the transportation system which makes the Lake Tahoe region a world class destination while contributing to the long-term sustainability of a vibrant city.

SS/TMA and HTG are is making a positive impacts while adding value to the local economy by weaving mobility and accessibility into the fabric of the community while protecting the local environment and helping to keep Tahoe Blue.

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